1-800-901-9658 or 901-647-9840

General Questions

  1. Reliable Transportation
  2. Smart Phone
  3. Computer
  4. Data Connection
  5. Volt Stick
  6. Ruler

We pay all vendors as 1099 contractors weekly on Monday with direct deposit Wednesday by Noon. When starting the initial contract you will have a 2 week delay in receiving pay, then weekly.

When performing field inspection work of this type you do spend a lot of the day driving from property to property. Once you arrive at the location in your work order the process is simply......

  • Front House Photo showing entire front of the property.
  • Address Photo proving you are at the correct property. ( this is a photo of the mailbox or above garage, door etc. showing the house number)
  • Occupancy Indicators....Car in driveway, dog in yard, personal property
  • Street Scene
  • Street Sign
  • Damage photos if present.

This is the basic field inspection we have several order types including interior and loss draft orders which require additional photos.

Standard field inspection orders have different pay rates dependent on location and density of orders. 

Orders start at $4 -$12 for drive by, no contact, and door card delivery orders.

Loss draft orders pay at $11-$15 each.

Real Estate Owned orders pay $12-$18 each.

Most inspectors earn a minimum of $28 per hour and as high as $65 per hour.